Mettez le contenu de votre article iciObtaining a Social Security Identification Number (NISS) in Portugal is an essential step for anyone wishing to work, reside or carry out economic activities in the country. This number is essential for receiving Social Security benefits, such as healthcare, family allowances and pensions. This guide offers a few details to help you obtain your NISS in Portugal.
The NISS (Número de Identificação da Segurança Social) is a unique number assigned to each person registered with the Portuguese social security system. Click here to continue on this document. It is required in order to:
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The NISS is also required to open a bank account in certain cases.
People who need an NISS include: employees, self-employed workers, residents who are not working, etc. Anyone working in Portugal must have an NISS. Your employer can usually take care of this formality. Also, if you are self-employed, you must apply for your NISS yourself. People residing in Portugal who are unemployed but wish to access Social Security services must also obtain an NISS.
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To obtain your NISS, you need to have the following documents ready: a valid identity document (ID card or passport), the NIF (Tax Identification Number), which is your tax number in Portugal, proof of residence in Portugal, an employment contract or a declaration of activity for self-employed people. To all this must be added a duly completed application form (available from the Social Security services or online).
To obtain your NISS, you need to anticipate deadlines. Start the process as soon as you arrive in Portugal to avoid any delays. You should also ask for help. If you don't speak Portuguese, ask a bilingual person to accompany you or ask for the help of a specialist consultant. You should also check the opening hours of Social Security offices before you go.
In short, obtaining a NISS is a necessary step for anyone wishing to integrate fully into the Portuguese social security system. Don't forget that this number will accompany you throughout your stay in Portugal, facilitating your interactions with the country's public and social services.